Monday, February 25, 2008

Google Earth Activity 2

Hello again,

For the second Google Earth activity, you are going to create a tour of the schools you have attended. If you do not remember the name of your school, you need to at least link to the city where it was located. You will need to create the list in reverse order. That means that you will start with Spring Creek Middle School and work your way in reverse. For an example of what your finished product will look like, click here and select open to see the one that I created. Once it opens, you will need to select the play button in the Places panel.

Here are the steps that you will follow.

Step 1 - You will need to create a new folder in the Places panel on the left of your screen. To do this, you will right click on "Temporary Places" and select Add>Folder. Name your folder "My Schools".

Step 2 - Next, you will search for your school. Type in the name of the school followed by the city and state. (For example...Spring Creek Middle School, Providence, UT)

Step 3 - Once you have located your school, zoom in so that you can see just the school grounds in your window.

Step 4 - Once you are zoomed in, right click on the new folder that you just created (My Schools) and select Add>Placemark. Do not change any of the settings in the new window, just type in the name of the school in the "Name" section.

Step 5 - You will now repeat Steps 2-4 to create Placemarks for all schools you have attended. Remember to do them in reverse order.

Step 6 - Once you have all schools placemarked, click on the "My Schools" folder and select the play button at the bottom of the Places panel. This should take you on a virtual tour of all of the schools you have attended.

Step 7 - If you have gotten this far, GREAT! You are now going to save the folder as a .KMZ file. Right click on the folder "My Schools" and select Save As...

Step 8 - Locate this file in your My Documents folder. Title it with your last name then your first name. For example, mine would be saved as ValdezCody. When you have this saved, raise your hand and I will come by and save it to my flash drive for grading.

If you have finished and you have enough time left over, you can explore whatever you would like in Google Earth.

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