Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Google Earth Day 1

Welcome class! Today's activity will require the use of Google Earth. YOU MUST FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS VERY CAREFULLY!!! READ EACH STEP IN FULL BEFORE YOU DO WHAT IT IS TELLING YOU TO DO!!! This is a two day activity. I will post the instructions for day two tomorrow. Good luck and make sure that you are working quietly. If you have any questions, please raise your hand.

Today you will be exploring Google Earth (GE) to get comfortable with its features. The first part will allow you to explore on your own, while the second part will be a short assignment. Use the help sheets that I have given you to assist you in learning the interface of GE.

Step 1 - Open Google Earth

Step 2 - Using page one of the help sheet, get familiar with all of the tools listed (#1-#16). Pay special attention to tools #1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, and 15. You will use a variety of these tools to complete the activities.

Step 3 - Using page two, follow the instructions for one of the "Five Cool, Easy Things You Can Do in Google Earth". You will have approximately 5 minutes for this step.

Step 4 - This step is going to be your assignment that you will turn into me. Using the latitude and longitude coordinates in GE, you will identify what landmark/building is located at each set of coordinates listed on your worksheet. As you zoom into each of the landmarks, look for a purple circle icon. If you can find one, click on it. That will greatly help you in your search.

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